While walking home from a great workout, I took some time out from listening to new music to tune in to Pod Save America's episode from yesterday and honestly it is just SO important and necessary listening. 

Jon and the boys discuss the ramifications of Justice Kennedy stepping down from SCOTUS, the horror of women’s reproductive rights being severely restricted with the deconstruction of Roe v. Wade, the scare of having a solid 5 Republicans in SCOTUS instead of a 4-4 for party lines and 1 swing voter, and how important it is to still get out there and vote. 

I will say this specifically on the reproductive rights since it can be such a touchy issue. It should not even about whether or not you WANT women to have access to abortions, it’s that they would be made illegal and so force women to go to extremes to seek them out. You really want women sitting in their bathrooms crying and eyeing a wire hanger? This is not the 70s. That shouldn't have been happening in the 70s either but the fact remains. Women would be putting their bodies at higher risk if they’re made illegal vs. access being left available. Women deserve the right to choose between terminating a pregnancy and persisting through one. Do not strip us of this. 

I know Drake’s album just came out and it’s fire, etc. etc. but please do not let your vigilance wain. Stay awake. Pay attention. Read. Preferably from more than one source. Stay informed. Do not let the sideshow that is Demon Cheeto distract your attention from where it truly needs to be. We can do this. But we HAVE to stay woke.



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